PhD Program in
Analytics for Economics and Management
Modelli e Metodi per l'Economia e il Management
Department of Economics and Management - University of Brescia
The PhD program in Analytics for Economics and Management (AEM) aims at training high profile scientists and experts, able to apply analytical and computational tools to data to the goal of making complex decisions in Economics and Management.
They will have advanced methodological foundations in
Models and Methods for Economics and Finance
Operations Research
Statistics and Data Science
with applications to several areas, such as
Sport Analytics
The PhD program is structured in three years:
First year
The first year is mainly dedicated to take courses and seminars.
In the first year, the topic of the PhD thesis has to be defined.Second year
The second year is mainly dedicated to the PhD thesis.
An extended period abroad is highly recommended, to start working on the PhD thesis in cooperation with top scholars and to attend courses.Third year
The third year is dedicated to the PhD thesis.
Entry requirements
Candidates must be strongly motivated, hold a five-year degree issued by an Italian University or an equivalent non-Italian degree. Degrees in Economics, Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering are among the most appropriate for this PhD program. Candidates will be selected on the basis of CV, publications and a letter of reference. Selected candidates will be asked for an interview.
Candidates are expected to be familiar with the following minimum background:
Please visit the page for additional information.
University of Brescia
Department of Economics and Management
The Department of Economics and Management was born in 2012 from the union of the Departments of the Faculty of Economics, which over the years have been able to integrate their scientific and teaching skills, developing innovative projects in the various fields of economics. The Department's Bachelor's and Master's degree programs provide a solid preparation aimed at understanding economic, business and financial systems. Teaching activities range from business disciplines to economics, law, quantitative and social-historical disciplines. Research activities reflect its multidisciplinary nature, with more than seventy researchers active in their areas of expertise. Over time, a growing proportion of them have accumulated significant research experience in international settings, assumed leadership roles in national and European scientific societies, and coordinated research projects of national and international significance. Scientific production has in many cases found its way into the most prestigious journals and publishers for the relevant disciplines, and is regularly presented at major conferences and workshops in the field. The Department hosts meetings of scientific societies and has a significant calendar of seminars with international speakers, also organized in collaboration with important research centers.