PhD Program in Analytics for Economics and Management
Modelli e Metodi per l'Economia e il Management
Department of Economics and Management
Seminars (list continuously updated)
Seminars (list continuously updated)
- Webinar: " The economic impact of climate and weather”
- Webinar: " The economics of social data”
Prof. Dirk Bergemann, Douglass and Marion Campbell, Professor of Economics at Yale University (USA)
Chair: Prof. Sergio Vergalli, University of Brescia, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
February 8th, 2021, 16:00
- Webinar: " The welfare cost of ignoring the beta”
Prof. Christian Gollier, Founder and executive Director of the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) (France).
Chair: Prof. Sergio Vergalli, University of Brescia, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
February 18th, 2021, 16:00
- Webinar "Advances in Bayesian Networks"
- Webinar: "Major Transformations: Opportunities and Challenges”
- Seminar: "Research challenges in Modeling uncertainty, energy and climate"
- Seminar: "Macro models and policy challenges for the energy transition"
- Seminar: “On the existence of equilibrium for Generalized Nash games: from Arrow-Debreu's result to now”
- Seminar: “Combined Custom Hedging: Optimal Design, Noninsurable Exposure,and Operational Risk Management”
- Webinar: "Designing Future Power Systems: The generation expansion problem”